A city skyline at night with a boat in the water.
Mathew Hedditch

Mathew Hedditch

Authorised representative number: 000320962

Director, Owned Offices

"I provide objective advice based on informed analysis, prudent judgement and diligent effort."
Mathew started at Morgans Financial in 2007 as an associate advisor and spent the first few years building his own business. This occurred as the GFC unfolded which taught him some valuable lessons in both life and work that stay with him today. After building a successful business, Mathew was promoted to team leader, then Head of Brisbane Retail before being promoted to Director, Owned Offices. This current role sees Mathew oversee the retail desks of Morgans’ owned offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and West Perth. His main responsibility is to offer support and guidance to ensure advisors and support staff are able to provide the best possible advice and service to our clients. Prior to joining Morgans, Mathew spent over 10 years in the marketing and advertising industries, gaining experience and knowledge in being an effective communicator.

Investment Style

Mathew's investment style is based around developing strong, long-term relationships with his clients. He believes in the importance of understanding your financial needs and objectives and applying these to achieve the best possible results in both the short term and long term. While Mathew favours solid well-performing stocks, he is not afraid to look for hidden opportunities.

Services and Specialties

Fixed Interest and Cash Management
Superannuation Advice
Portfolio Administration
Wealth Management

Qualifications and Professional Affiliations

Bachelor of Business
Ethics and Professional Relationships
SDIA Accreditation Program - Tier 1


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Managed Investments
Margin Lending
Life Insurance
Derivatives Level 1
I am employed by Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Brisbane. My employer remunerates me by way of percentage of fees. As a shareholder of Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited, I may be entitled to a share of profits. I am eligible to participate in a bonus scheme depending upon performance.