Total and Permanent Disability Insurance

Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) is when a person is completely disabled and unable to work or earn an income. This can devastate both the person who is permanently disabled and their family.

It is bad enough being temporarily laid up, but the prospect of never being able to earn an income again is daunting.

Life insurance pays out for death and terminal illness, but what if a person doesn't die? Without insurance that covers total permanent disablement they would have to face a whole range of costs related to their disability in addition to all the normal household and family expenses and commitments.

These costs can include major alterations to the home to accommodate the disabled person, medical, rehabilitation and other costs connected with ongoing care and management of the condition.

Everyone thinks it can't happen to them. These terrible accidents or debilitating diseases happen to other people.

Unfortunately they can and do occur and if so, being able to rely on an insurance payment is a huge relief. It won't bring you back to where you were, but it will go a long way to help you reinstate your life as best you can. And it will certainly help your family cope and move forward.

Permanent disability can occur through accident or injury. The resulting disability could leave you without the ability to work, or severely impair your ability to work, resulting in significant loss in income.  Common permanent disabilities include:

  • Quadriplegia
  • Paraplegia
  • Hemiplegia
  • Blindness
  • Deafness or
  • Total and Permanent Loss of Use of Two Limbs

Now if these occur through work, you are likely to be covered to a certain extent through workers compensation. Though the extent of workers compensation cover is still not likely to cover your income and expenses for you and your dependants for the rest of your life.

However, a lot of injuries occur outside work hours and are non-work related. Many people who incur a permanent disability may also have significant medical bills, can suffer from depression and can have other costly changes – like modifying their homes and transport.

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